
For the foreseeable future, installation will require Linux in some form.

There are currently two methods to install RPCSX:

Method 1: Linux

  1. Install dependencies.

    .deb-based (Ubuntu etc.)

    sudo apt install build-essential cmake libunwind-dev libglfw3-dev libvulkan-dev vulkan-validationlayers-dev spirv-tools glslang-tools libspirv-cross-c-shared-dev

    go to Continued Install.

    .rpm-based (Fedora etc.)

    • Install traditional dependencies.
      sudo dnf install cmake libunwind-devel glfw-devel vulkan-devel vulkan-validation-layers-devel spirv-tools glslang-devel gcc-c++ gcc spirv-tools-devel xbyak-devel
    • Install spirv-cross.
      git clone && cd SPIRV-Cross && mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && cmake --build . && sudo make install
    • Comment out the text-segment line in this file, <repo dir>/rpcsx-os/CMakeLists.txt
      # target_link_options(rpcsx-os PUBLIC "LINKER:-Ttext-segment,0x0000010000000000")

      go to Continued Install.


  • Install traditional dependencies.
    sudo pacman -S libunwind glfw-x11 vulkan-devel glslang
  • Pull spirv-cross from the AUR. Skip the first line if you have yay already.
    sudo pacman -S --needed git base-devel && git clone && cd yay && makepkg -si
    yay -S spirv-cross

    go to Continued Install.

Continued Install

  1. Clone the repo.
    git clone --recursive && cd rpcsx
    git submodule update --init --recursive
  2. Compile the emulator.
    mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake .. && cmake --build .
  3. Create a virtual HDD. Note that the PS4 filesystem is case-insensitive.
    truncate -s 512M ps4-hdd.exfat
    mkfs.exfat -n PS4-HDD ./ps4-hdd.exfat
    mkdir ps4-fs
    sudo mount -t exfat -o uid=`id -u`,gid=`id -g` ./ps4-hdd.exfat ./ps4-fs

Method 2: WSL